1. Warming up recapping last Thursday's MC practice
- What types of questions are there? Give each one a label.
- Regroup with last Thursday's multiple choice partners; you and your partner will become an expert on one MC question and will teach your magic methods to the class.
2. Admiring the perfect beauty of the sonnet with "An Echo from Willow-wood"
- Quick title brainstorm
- Moments: Which images, diction, etc. make you pause/take a moment?
- Movement: What patterns can you uncover? Are there any shifts?
- Multiple Meanings: What do you think the poet is trying to do here (tone/themes)?
*A mini break for a puzzle challenge (and metaphor)*
- What type of sonnet is this? How do you know?
- How does the form contribute to the poem's meaning?
- Reading and marking up Foster's "If It's Square, It's a Sonnet"
3. Introducing you to your second Literary Essay: The Sonnet Essay
4. Returning your second timed writings with a focus on the poem's last inch
1. For tomorrow: Pick one of the four sonnets offered in the packet for your formal metacognitive tomorrow.
2. For Friday: Read Chapters 41, 42, and 43; create a reading ticket for Socratic.
3. For Friday: This Friday is the end of 6 weeks. All work from the first 6 weeks is due by the end of the day on Friday. Make sure you have finished your first Big Question Blog post and e-mailed me.
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