Wednesday, September 27, 2017

A Mathematical Journey: September 27, 2017

Focus: How does Steinbeck depict Cal and Aron's coming of age?

1. Warming up with the importance of the "the last inch" and returning your timed writings
2. Returning to sonnets with Foster's "If It's Square, It's a Sonnet" and the Sonnet Essay Overview

3. Graphing the Cal's and Aron's (d)evolvement

For each character, try the following:
  • Find a description of this character as a young child, a description of this character as an older child, and a description of this character as an teenager. 
  • Read these three passages for each character closely, examining Steinbeck's diction.
  • What has aspects of this character's personality have changed over time?  Why have these aspects changed / what prompted these changes?
  • What has aspects of this character have remained unchanged?  Why haven't these parts of the character changed?
  • Consider some of the timeless dualities at war in this character (good vs. evil, nature vs. nurture, white vs. black, love vs. hate, fate vs, free will, sight vs. blindness, empathetic vs. selfish, etc).  
    • Put one side of the duality at the top of the Y axis, and the other duality at the bottom of Y axis.
    • Use the X axis for the time from the characters were born until now. 
    • Graph both character's development/deterioration/fluctuations on the same piece of graph paper. Be sure to annotate your graph with key words and phrases from the passages you examined.

3. Recapping terms from the past six glorious weeks with 

1. For tomorrow: Pick one of the four sonnets offered in the packet for your formal metacognitive tomorrow (all handouts are linked to the class website).

2. For Friday: Follow the East of Eden reading assignment: Chapters 41, 42, and 43; reading ticket can be any of the options you've been using, and it can (and probably should) address some of the events from Chapters 34-40 as well.

3. For Friday: This Friday is the end of 6 weeks. All work from the first 6 weeks is due by the end of the day on Friday. Make sure you have finished your first Big Question Blog post and e-mailed me.

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Onwards and Upwards! May 17, 2018

HW: 1. Three good things 2. Timshel 3. Stay in touch (for real!).