1. Warming up with a sample Q3 essay
- What do you think the prompt was?
- If you were this person's teacher, what feedback would you give to help him/her?
- What score do you think person received?
2. Identifying your personal goals on the Q3 rubric: Underline the two or three specific sentences on the rubric where you feel you need the most help/feedback.
3. Workshopping your essays in groups of two or three
Round 1: Read through with no comments
Round 2: Intensive focus on self-identified areas of need
* * * Taking a quick break to empower your verbs. * * *
* * * Switch partners: Find someone who has NOT read your book. * * *
Round 3: Editing for style and mechanics
4. Wrapping up with a quick exit ticket on timed writings
1. Continue working on your outline with the goal of completing it and either e-mailing it to me by the end of the week or coming in for a conference. Click here for the culminating essay timeline.
2. Start hunting for other artifacts you might want to use in your essay...childhood artwork? Diary entries? Letters to Santa? Photos?
3. The end of 12 weeks is Friday, April 6 (the Friday after spring break). All make-up work / revised work from the last 6 weeks is due by then. If you wish to revise your critical review or poetry essay, you must conference with me this week.
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