Thursday, December 7, 2017

Stronger Together: December 7, 2017

Focus: How can we collaborate to become stronger answer choosers?

1. Warming up with "Score My A.P. Test" to get a realistic sense of your multiple choice goals

2. Reading a sample prose section (with a focus on which two inches)

3. Defending each answer with your body: MC stations

HW for the rest of the semester:

1. Ongoing: Continue working on your paper/project. Since it's the end of the semester, remember that there will not be an opportunity for extensions or revisions.

2. For Friday: Finish Part 2 and read Chapter 1 in Part 3; complete and print a reading ticket (I challenge you to try something new since there are only two reading assignments left). We will start Friday with Socratic musical chairs. 

3. For Monday: FINISH BELOVED and complete your final reading ticket for your final Socratic of the semester; our goal is 100%participation.

4. December 12-13: Poetry papers and project are due. Please not that you will NOT be able to revise these because you won't get them back until your final.

5. For next Friday, December 15: Beloved blog due, along with all make-up work / revisions from the past 6 weeks. I cannot accept work after this date because I won't have time to grade it.

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Onwards and Upwards! May 17, 2018

HW: 1. Three good things 2. Timshel 3. Stay in touch (for real!).