Monday, October 16, 2017

The Hollow Crown: October 16, 2017

Focus: What makes King Henry IV's crown "hollow"?

1. Warming up with three good things and reactions to Mr. Jovan Mays

***A quick intermission for a 9-week clean-up of Work Habits***

2. Enjoying a 3-minute freewrite on the metaphor of the "hollow crown," then watching The Hollow Crown trailer
  • As you watch, try to add to your understanding of the term "hollow crown."
  • Find other objects/colors with symbolic significance, and consider what they might symbolize.
3. Understanding the genealogy of Henry IV and returning to the concept of the hollow crown

4. Reading the overview of your acting company performances and taking the time to prepare scenes from Act 1

5. Wrapping up with goal-setting for tomorrow's performances

1. For tomorrow: Please rehearse your scene and bring in any props, costumes, music, etc. you will need; reread the summaries of Acts 1 and 2

2. For Wednesday: Read the actual scene of 2.1 (it's short).

3. For next week:

  • Continue working on memorizing your sonnet. You have one week left. 
  • Start outlining and drafting your essay, using your metacognitive, my feedback on your metacognitive, and the overview and sample sonnet essay (given out in class a couple of weeks ago and linked to the website). Rough draft is due before class on Friday, October 27.

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Onwards and Upwards! May 17, 2018

HW: 1. Three good things 2. Timshel 3. Stay in touch (for real!).