Focus: What tensions are heightening in Act 3 of Henry IV, and for what purpose?
1. Warming up by reviewing your East of Eden timed writings with a focus on evidence
2. Discussing your observations on characterization, foils, and directorial choices in Act 2; finishing the film version of Act 2
3. Working with your Acting Company to accomplish the following:
- Remember Rule #1 of group work: EVERYBODY WORKS.
- Read the scene summaries for all of Act 3 with a focus on heightening tensions and shifts.
- Read through your company's scene and cast your characters.
- Please follow the same steps for preparing your Act 3 performance as you did for your Act 1 performance (see handout for details).
- A new challenge: Give us something specific to focus on as we watch your scene (a guiding question, repetition of a specific word, use of symbolic prop, etc). When you finish your performance, give us one follow-up question that you relates to what you asked us to focus on. In other words, you're providing us an analytical frame for your performance.
Focus: As you watch Hal's speech from Act 1, note his physical movements as he delivers his soliloquy.
Follow-up: How did his movements parallel the significant shifts in his speech?
- Decide which props you may wish to bring in tomorrow (we will start performing tomorrow).
1. For today: If you have not yet done so, please e-mail me your sonnet thesis and any outlining/ drafting you've done.
2. For Wednesday: Rehearse your part for tomorrow's performance; bring in your props.
3. For this week: Complete the rough draft of your sonnet essay before class on Friday, October 27; put it in (see website or handout for overview and sample). Your draft grade will be worth 20 points in "Other Writings and Activities." It will simply be a completion grade (points will only be deducted for missing portions or late work).
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