Thursday, September 14, 2017

Imagery and Authorial Intent: September 14, 2017

Focus: How do we use imagery to unravel authorial intent?

1. Warming up with our old friend, Billy Collins, and a straightforward poem (with partners)

Remember that it all boils down to these two questions:

What is the author trying to do?
How is he/she doing it?

2. Applying the same process to the complicated poem from Tuesday's timed writing (in threesomes)

3. Analyzing three sample essays as a class (the really good one is yours)

  • What does the really good one have that the other two don't?

4. Offering constructive feedback to each other's drafts

  • Underline the thesis and comment on it. 
  • Underline the sentence in the first body paragraph that best captures its argument. Then, do the same for the second body paragraph (and the third, if there is a third).
  • Identify one structural success you see in this essay (see blue questions below for ideas). 
  • Identify one structural aspect that writer could improve upon (see blue questions below for ideas).
    • Does each body paragraph make a distinct yet related argument?
    • Does the second body paragraph build off the first one?
    • Does it feel as though the argument is evolving as the essay continues? In other words, is the writer discovering new aspects of the poem through the process of writing the essay?
    • Does the essay respond to all parts of the prompt?

1. For tomorrow: Read through Chapter 15 and complete a reading ticket for Socratic.

2. Ongoing: Work on your college essays and stop by for a conference. They are due on September 18 by 3:00 in

3. Sign up for our class Turnitin account by following these directions (they include the class ID and enrollment key).

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Onwards and Upwards! May 17, 2018

HW: 1. Three good things 2. Timshel 3. Stay in touch (for real!).