PLC: Shortened Class
Please turn in your signed class policies.
1. Warming up by debriefing yesterday's Socratic
- What did we do well?
- What do we need to work on? How?
- How would you grade your first time participating in an A.P. Lit Socratic?
- Select one essay that you're writing for college acceptance (if you're not going to college or you don't have to write any essays, use one of the 500 prompts posted below).
- Do your best to abide by the word limit set by your college; if you're composing multiple essays, pick one of your longer ones to turn in.
- Include the name of the college, the exact prompt, and any other directions that your college included, such as a word limit.
- Conference with me at least once, either before the essay is due or after you've turned it in.
- Turn it in by September 18 by 3:00 pm (printed copy).
- Freewriting with 500 New York Times personal writing prompts
- Highlight two or three moments that you remember well enough to describe using at least three of your senses.
- Look for any patterns and/or shifts.
1. For tomorrow (Thursday): Bring paper and a pen or pencil for your first timed writing (on "Werewolves"). Bring your copy of "Werewolves" to class as well.
2. For Friday: Make sure you have completed the survey I e-mailed you last Thursday (and encourage your parents/guardians to complete theirs, too). Sign up for Remind texts by clicking here.
3. Peering into next week: Reread the first half of Oedipus Rex for Monday and the second half for Wednesday; bring Oedipus and How To Read class each day next week.
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