1. Warming up with a few thoughts about this week
2. Forming your Big Question Blog
- Start with www.blogger.com
- Sign in with your school Google account.
- Give it a creative title that includes your first name.
- Share the blog address with me at kleclaire@lps.k12.co.us
- Enjoy refining your background, layout, etc.
- Include your BIG QUESTION in the header.
- Spend a paragraph or two freewriting on your question. Why did you pick it? What does it mean to right now? What does it make you wonder about?
- Spend a paragraph or two using your question to investigate Oedipus Rex, bringing in specific examples from the play.
4. Cooling down with the imagery in "Ozymandias"
- How does Shelley's imagery compare to yours?
- What patterns do you notice in Shelley's poem?
- What do you think Shelley was trying to? (_____ but also _____)
1. For Thursday:
- Prepare for a Socratic on Oedipus Rex; bring your ticket.
2. For Friday:
- Bring your laptop to class for a 30-minute College Essay Bootcamp!
- Finish composing your first Big Question blog (see tasks under #3).
- Spend time reading East of Eden.
4. Ongoing: Stop in for a conference on your college essay!
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