Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Play Is the Thing: April 25, 2018

Focus: What control / agency do the characters have or lack over their universe?

1. Warming up a little Academic Vocabulary bingo: Sets 1, 2, and 3

2. Skimming the question game on pages 42 through 44 and select one question you think is central to this play so far
  • Why does Stoppard have them play the question game?
3. Reading Act II together with musical chairs (after you finish responding to one of these questions, pose a question of your own for the next round)
  • What imprisons the characters and how so? Do they have freedom?
  • Is there logic/reason governing the world of R & G? Where are they seeking it? Do they find it?
  • What are R & G's thoughts on death?
  • Why the play within a play within a play?
Continue finalizing your culminating essay. You have about two days left, and there will not be time to revise. Make your final draft a true final draft, and one that you're proud of. Click HERE for the Wednesday night checklist.

Final draft due Thursday, April 26 by 3:00 pm.

We will have one more in-class editing day on Wednesday; aim to finish your rough draft by then.

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Onwards and Upwards! May 17, 2018

HW: 1. Three good things 2. Timshel 3. Stay in touch (for real!).