Friday, March 23, 2018

The Late-Night (Book) Club: March 23, 2018

Focus: What do our British authors want us to understand better or differently?

1. Warming up by looking over your 5-6 syllabi and highlighting any questions or notes that you feel respond well to today's focus question

2. Meeting with your book club to select the your top three Q3's
  • Click HERE for a list of all Q3 prompts from the past 40 years.
3. Viewing the film version of your novel, if time allows

1. Compose your big question before class on Tuesday, April 4 (which is the day of your book club timed writing). You will have time in class (30 min) on Monday to work on this.

2. Continue refining your prompt and brainstorming how your prompt connects to each of your books.

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Onwards and Upwards! May 17, 2018

HW: 1. Three good things 2. Timshel 3. Stay in touch (for real!).