Monday, March 5, 2018

British Book Clubbing, Day 2: March 5, 2018

Focus: What conflicts are heightening in your British novels?

1. Warming up with three good things and Academic Vocabulary: Set 7

2. Offering you the highlight reel from Friday; enjoying British Book Clubs, Day 2
  • What went well: 
    • You found a good balance of being formal and feeling relaxed.
    • Most of you seem to be enjoying the book.
    • You're able to answer each other's questions and ease each other's confusion.
    • You're using techniques from class and making them your own (ex: Wuthering Heights family tree).
    • You're exploring and applying the historical context of your book (Remains of the Day).
  • Where there's room for improvement:
    • Syllabus and reading need to be complete before you walk into class.
    • If you didn't have enough to talk about, then you need to do more work as you read.
    • Consider having a task master in your group.
    • Be honest in your exit tickets. Don't tell me what you think I want to hear.
    • There's no such thing as senioritis in here. This is a sophomore college class.
3. Wrapping up with a quick exit ticket

1. For Tuesday (tomorrow): Finish your poetry proposal and turn it it, or finish your intro/thesis and e-mail it to me.

2. For Wednesday: Look over your Academic Vocabulary words, Sets 4-7. Also, Wednesday will be your last in-class work day for your poetry project/essay.

3. For THURSDAY: Complete your assigned book club reading and syllabus (no school Friday).

Heads-up! March 13: Poetry papers and project are due.  

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Onwards and Upwards! May 17, 2018

HW: 1. Three good things 2. Timshel 3. Stay in touch (for real!).