Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Evidently: October 11, 2017

Focus: How do we use evidence in our responses to Question #3?

PSAT: Crazy short class

1. Warming up with the sample essay from Monday:

Highlight the thesis. 
  • What does the thesis accomplish?
Highlight the topic sentences.
  • How is this essay structured?
Highlight the specific evidence.
  • How did this essay bring in specific evidence without looking at the actual text?
2. Trading essays; rinse and repeat the steps above with kudos and constructive criticism:

Highlight the thesis. 
  • Is it clear, specific, debatable, and provable?
  • Does it respond to the prompt but go beyond simply restating the prompt?
Highlight the topic sentences.
  • How is this essay structured? Is it logical?
Highlight the specific evidence.
  • How did this essay bring in specific evidence without looking at the actual text?
  • Is the evidence specific enough?
  • Does the writer analyze symbols, motifs, etc. from the evidence?
  • Are there 2-4 pieces of evidence in each body paragraph?
1. Continue reading your sonnet aloud and writing it aloud; you have a little less than two weeks left to memorize it.

2. We will begin Henry IV, Part 1 tomorrow; if you'd like to purchase your own copy, please do so this week.

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Onwards and Upwards! May 17, 2018

HW: 1. Three good things 2. Timshel 3. Stay in touch (for real!).