Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Poetry Experience and the Beginning of Your A.P. Overture: August 21, 2017

Focus: How do we experience poetry? How do we get organized for this class?

Please turn in your summer reading assignments at the beginning of class.

1. Warming up with three good things and the science of happiness
  • My e-mail:

2. Experiencing vs. reading poetry

3. Coming to terms with terms and understanding why they're powerful
  • Trying out a term on Langston Hughes as a class
  • Trying out that same term on T.S. Eliot in small groups

4. Indulging in your concrete, Type-A, organization skills and setting yourself up for this class:
  • Augmenting your vocabulary with Quizlet: Click HERE to join our class
  • Organizing yourself with Google folders within folders within folders:
    • Create an A.P. Lit folder called "Yourlastname_A.P. Lit" 
    • Share it with me at
    • Within that folder, create a "1st Semester" folder.
    • Within your "1st Semester" folder, create the following folders (feel free to spice up your labels):
      • College Essay
      • Introductory Stuff
      • East of Eden
      • Henry IV
      • Poetry
      • Beloved
  • Staying on top of your game with Remind: Click HERE to join (if you haven't done so yet)
  • Perfecting your grammar with IXL:

5. Introducing yourselves to the Big Question Blog: Click HERE to head to our class website (and bookmark it)

1. For tomorrow (Tuesday): Finish reading "Werewolves in Their Youth" for our first Socratic seminar. We will do our first Socratic ticket in class, but make sure you annotate the story in whatever way works for you.

2. For Wednesday: Please ask your parents/guardians to read and sign the course syllabus.

3. For Friday: 
If you have not yet done so, please complete the survey I e-mailed to you (and urge your parents to fill theirs out, too).

4. Ongoing: Bring your old school supplies to class (pens, pencils, JOURNAL/NOTEBOOK that's just for this class).

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Onwards and Upwards! May 17, 2018

HW: 1. Three good things 2. Timshel 3. Stay in touch (for real!).