1. Warming up with a little poetry project inspiration from Andy Goldsworthy
(Click HERE for the sample film we watched before break.)
2. Touching base briefly with poetry paper people:
- Enjoy two new freedoms: Background and structure
- Use the thesis workshop; e-mail me your thesis (any outlining/drafting) by Tuesday.
- Check out the sample essay.
3. Conferencing with poetry project people
- Using the proposal as your starting place; submit this or conference with me by Tuesday.
- Considering the role the presentation will play in your project (check out "Your God" as an example).
4. Getting to work, work, work, work
1. For tomorrow (Dec 1): Finish Chapter 1 in Part 2 and complete a reading ticket for Socratic. Your ticket can encompass the entire chapter or focus on the second half--whatever works for you. Here's a challenge if you need one: Try focusing on a minor character.
2. For Tuesday: E-mail me your thesis if you're a paper person; submit your proposal if you're a project person. You may also conference with me in lieu of either of these.
Heads-up! December 12-13: Poetry papers and project are due. Please not that you will NOT be able to revise these because you won't get them back until your final.